
& Peer Review
Johnson Block and Company, Inc. is a member of the WICPA and AICPA and participates in the quality control review program of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
We have a written quality control policy that covers all of our audit and accounting services. Our quality control policy was updated this year and it is a central part of our annual in-house training programs. We have a quality control partner who is responsible for continuously monitoring compliance with our policy. Each year we conduct an internal inspection that involves quality control reviews of a representative sample of audit and review reports issued in the prior year.
We have a peer review of our quality control system conducted every three years by an independent CPA firm. This review includes the governmental sector of our firm. Our most recent peer review was completed in 2020. As a result of that review, our firm was issued a peer review rating of Pass. This provides assurance that we are following professional standards in the performance of engagements, and helps us provide the best service possible for our clients.
Click to View our Latest Peer Review
Each professional on staff has at least a 4-year degree in accounting. Each professional receives a minimum of 40 hours of continuing professional education each year. A majority of this education is in the area of a staffs’ specific focus and field.
Johnson Block and Company, Inc. personnel policies require annual performance evaluations and provide for career advancement based on performances. These policies assure that Johnson Block and Company, Inc. will maintain a high quality of staff.